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Pumpkin Buttermilk Drop Biscuits with Brown Butter

Let’s talk about savory pumpkin today! Well, kind of savory. This is kind of an in between recipe where it’s just sweet enough to throw some cinnamon and sugar on top and have it as a midnight snack (may have done this last night), or serving it with a slice of turkey and a nice, […]

Pumpkin Spice Baked Oatmeal with Blueberries

I’ve been toying with the idea of posting more pumpkin recipes. I love pumpkin. I really, really…really…do, but it gets kind of hard to get creative when social media is on pumpkin overload. I’m looking at you Pinterest! Yes, YOU! I mean how many different pumpkin cookie recipes can you come up with before you […]

Butternut Squash Cheesy Corn Cakes with Gruyere Hollandaise

I absolutely adore this butternut squash cheesy corn cake recipe right now and all that it embodies. I like to think of it as my horrible attempt at hanging on to the end of summer and embracing the start of fall. Corn and butternut squash…can there be anything wrong with this combination of ingredients!? When […]

Perfect Breakfast Sandwiches with Spicy Gruyere Hollandaise

It wasn’t until just a couple of months ago that I found a deep love and understanding for breakfast sandwiches.They are perfect on-the-go, for a large crowd (can I get an assembly line?), or a quick weeknight breakfast solution. What I love most about them, is how fun you can get with them! They can […]

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins

There’s just something about a cool fall morning, where the leaves are turning colors and falling off the trees, and you just want a cup of coffee and a muffin. I love muffins for breakfast. Even more so, I like a muffin for breakfast when they have already been baked and are ready to be […]

Blueberry Chocolate Chip Muffins

  How was everyone’s long weekend?! I hope each day was better than the last! We had a great weekend, which ended with a nice and relaxing evening last night. We have been really busy lately. Not sure if you have noticed, but I haven’t been posting as much as I usually do. Not only […]