25+ Fourth of July Recipes
From fruit salad to pie and hot dogs to pasta salad, here are 25+ Fourth of July recipes!
Truffle Burgers with Balsamic-Glazed Mushrooms and Onion-Bacon Compote
Paired with a Smoked Porter or Stout This post is sponsored by Sargento Foods via AOL media.
Spicy Za’atar Grilled Chicken
Spicy Za’atar Grilled Chicken is a recipe that’s perfect for a summer barbecue!
Chicken Dogs with Watermelon Salsa
Yes, I made it back safe and sound from the East coast. Thank you so much for asking! It was such a great visit, but I’m also happy to be getting back into the groove of things! Also, I missed you all like crazy! … and Cilantro. I really, really missed Cilantro (and Zach […]