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Butternut Squash Cheesy Corn Cakes with Gruyere Hollandaise

I absolutely adore this butternut squash cheesy corn cake recipe right now and all that it embodies. I like to think of it as my horrible attempt at hanging on to the end of summer and embracing the start of fall. Corn and butternut squash…can there be anything wrong with this combination of ingredients!? When […]

Blistered Heirloom Tomato Bruschetta with Lemon Ricotta

When I was figuring out what I was cooking/photographing/posting this week, this blistered heirloom tomato bruschetta with lemon ricotta was not on my list. I was thinking I’d bake all week. Then we hit that dreaded 90 degree mark, and I was like screw that! I am totally not turning on my oven. It was […]

Watermelon Caprese with Balsamic Reduction

I know we all like to THINK that Labor Day weekend is the official end to summer, but it is not. We still have a couple of weeks left, and these weeks that lie ahead are some of my favorites of the year. This could partly be because my birthday lands on September 6, and […]

Spicy Garlic and Cheese Grilled Corn

I’m kind of obsessed with corn lately. Can you tell? Corn is so delicious and perfect right now, that I could just eat that for dinner and be completely content. I thought this skewered spicy garlic and cheese grilled corn recipe would be perfect to share because Labor Day is right around the corner. It’s […]

Crab Salad Zucchini Bites

I toyed with the idea of sharing this recipe. It’s not that I didn’t absolutely adore these little, tasty treats. I wasn’t keen on the photos. Sometimes this happens. It doesn’t matter if you have the most amazing lighting in the world or the best props, sometimes it just doesn’t work out. In this case, […]

Sweet Potato and Cheese Flatbread

Well, we are on day 3 of our trip! Why do these trips always seem to go by so fast!? I can’t believe it’s already Monday! I know we still have a good 6-7 days left, but still, it already seems to be flying by! Yesterday, we went on a hike through the San Juan […]

Mint Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches with Beer Marshmallow

So we are on day two of our journey through southern Colorado. The real reason we are venturing down is because Zach has a conference in the area, but anytime I can hitch a ride with him and enjoy the great outdoors for cheap is a major win! We visited Great Sand Dunes National Park […]

Turkey Burgers with Fried Zucchini

So I am just going to go ahead and assume that you are all as obsessed with zucchini right now as I am. I’m going pretty crazy over it, and it’s another one of those veggies that I wish were growing in my imaginary garden. I’ve always had incredible luck with zucchini. I’m not sure […]

Summer Pasta with Brown Butter and Blistered Tomatoes

Do you know what I am absolutely obsessed with lately? Eggs … eggs on pasta. I could eat eggs in any shape or form, but I really think they compliment a nice pasta dish. Zach was uncertain of this the first time I shoved an egg on top of his pasta. He didn’t think the […]