20 Spicy Dinner Recipes Paired with IPAs

From pasta dishes to braised meat and from soup to quesadillas, here are 20 spicy dinner recipes paired with IPAs! These are perfect for a pairing party!
IPA Honey Chipotle Slow Cooker Chicken

I was on a slow cooker roll last week. I get into moods, and just because summer literally just began, doesn’t mean you can’t put that slow cooker to good use. I think it is a common misconception that the slow cooker is a winter appliance! No way! You can totally use that thing all […]
Roasted Garlic and Cauliflower Soup

I like the idea of serving soup for Thanksgiving dinner. It’s a great starter to a great meal. This soup will serve about 12, but it won’t serve 12 itty bitty bowls. I’m talking 12 SUBSTANTIAL bowls of soup. If you are serving this for Thanksgiving, I would most certainly suggest keeping it to […]
Thai Curry Turkey Burgers

Turkey burgers are hit or miss. Let’s be honest, most of the time they come out super dry and packed full of no flavor what-so-ever. The key to making a great turkey burger is pumping it full of great flavors and cooking it just to perfection. For this recipe, I decided to go a […]
Chicken Dogs with Watermelon Salsa

Yes, I made it back safe and sound from the East coast. Thank you so much for asking! It was such a great visit, but I’m also happy to be getting back into the groove of things! Also, I missed you all like crazy! … and Cilantro. I really, really missed Cilantro (and Zach […]