Most of the time the sound of making your own bread can be a super scary sound. This is why many of us avoid it all together. There are enough delicious bakeries out there to satisfy our cravings for fresh bread. Even the neighborhood supermarket’s bakery can really dish out some great loaves of bread, but when you have the time and the patience, it’s so worth it to just make your own. I’m not going to lie to you, it is a lengthy process, but this is one of the easiest recipes to tackle as long as you get your measurements and timing right. In the end, it’s really just all about timing! I’ve spent the past two days making this super easy French Boule, and if it’s your first time making bread, I suggest going with this recipe!
Because Zach is away, I find that I have a lot of time on my hands. Somehow when he’s around, time just flies! When you are by yourself time seems to slow down a bit. Sure I’ve stuck to my same daily routine of cook, eat, blog, but somehow the days just seem longer. I thought it was the perfect time to make bread and write about it. What’s so great about this recipe, is the fact that you don’t have to do a lot. Sure it does take about a day and a half to actually make the darn thing, but it’s basically no-knead. No-knead in this house is like music to my ears (I secretly hate kneading, and love that our KitchenAid can do it for me). I don’t find it therapeutic. I actually find it quite annoying, and then there’s that whole making a mess thing. This seems to happen every time I make a bread that needs to be kneaded. I usually leave Zach to the kneading when we make pizza dough. For some strange reason I think he thoroughly enjoys it.
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Anyway, it is critical that you let this baby sit for at least 18-24 hours. You’re really not making a starter, unless you call the dough itself the starter. The starter is already worked into the dough, and works as it sits. If you can’t wait that long, then this recipe is certainly not for you, so plan ahead! I like smaller loaves, which is why this boule is split in two. If you want a huge loaf of bread, don’t be scared to keep it all together when you bake. I just think they are cute when they are small =).
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I went a little unconventional with this recipe, and decided to brush the crust with olive oil in the last 15 minutes of baking. I like a super crispy crust, so if you aren’t as obsessed as I am, this step can certainly be skipped. Also, I so wanted to make a cute little design in my crust before I baked, but I forgot! Ugh, I was so mad when I figured out that I had forgotten. If you’re looking for some criss-crosses or lines, cut some designs into the top of your bread before you bake, but don’t cut so far down that you go through the bread. A little indentation will do the trick. You will be surprised what happens once it’s crusted over!
*Please Note* The inactive time on this recipe is out of control, but make sure you follow it! It is so important that you do it in order to get a great boule!
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I understand that there is a lot of hate going around on bread and carbs. I understand it’s the New Year, and people are on their resolution diets. I also understand that carbs can really pack on the weight if you’re not exercising regularly, but let’s remember that our bodies NEED carbs to function. They are converted into energy; and if you are an active person, you will truly suffer without them. Again, everything is great in moderation, so treat yourself to some bread every once in a while. I for one would cry for three weeks if bread was taken out of my diet, but that’s just me. And if you have a gluten allergy, I am so sorry =(.
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I also have another bit of advice, this bread is delicious anyway you slice it (get it…slice it…bread…ha). ANYWAY, it does have a super crispy crust, and a very soft center. This being said, your average, cheap bread knife is just not going to cut through it. This has happened to me before, and it will happen again. If you could care less how the bread looks as you slice into it, then just ignore everything I just said! But if you do want nice clean slices, you are going to need a super great, sharp bread knife to do the trick. It’s also very important to allow for it to cool for at least 15-30 minutes. It will be much easier to cut through as the middle won’t be so warm…unless of course you want warm bread, then cut away!
This bread is great as sandwich bread, with jam or butter, or all by it’s lonesome (which is how I like it). Tomorrow, Zach comes home! Yay! I’m using my fresh bread to make delicious, unconventional club sandwiches for his arrival. The club sandwich post will be up on Friday for all of you to enjoy =).
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Happy Hump Day Everyone! Two more days to go!
12 Responses
I decided to “master” bread-baking this year. And by master, I mean… become competent. A simple recipe like this is exactly where I’m looking to start! My first loaf didn’t turn out as crispy on top as I had hoped, so hopefully your idea of using a pizza stone will help remedy that. Thanks!
Elizabeth, I hope your second loaf works out better than your first! The pizza stone is a phenomenal tool for baking breads. I have also used a cast iron dutch oven before too (and stuck the dough inside the dutch oven to bake – half of the time covered, half without). This works the same way as the pizza stone and you get a super crispy crust. Just heat it up while the oven is heating up. I hope things work out! Thanks! – Justine
My first successful loaf (well, two!) of bread!!! And so delicious! I sprinkled a little bit of sea salt & italian seasoning on top when I added the EVOO – it’s a perfect dipping bread! :)
Elizabeth, I am so happy to hear your bread came out so well! I’m liking this sea salt and italian seasoning thing on top. I may have to try this out next time. Thanks for trying out the recipe! – Justine
I don’t have a pizza stone. Is there an alternative? Can i just wrap it in foil?
Poe, Foil shouldn’t be a problem, but I haven’t tried it this way. It’s worth a shot though! If you have a non-stick cookie/baking sheet that would probably work a bit better. Just make sure to line with parchment paper just in case you encounter some sticking problems. Would love to know if this method works! Good luck! – Justine
Oh! I see! Thanks tons! I will let you know how it goes!
I halved the recipe and the bread came out super yummy and crispy, but a little flat, even though I let it rise for the full amount of time. I also may just have not rolled it into enough of a ball before baking. When I tried to make it into a ball though it ended up sprawling back into more of a disc shape. Any thoughts?
Hi Chris! Well, this could have happened for a number of reasons. Do you remember if the dough had doubled in size? Even if you had let it rise for at least 2 hours, it may not have exactly doubled. I think this is where the altitude comes in to play. Things tend to rise (and not rise) differently where I am from. I understand what you are saying where the dough had seemed to flatten out. This has happened to me many times before. The yeast can also have something to do with it. I’ve noticed that if the yeast I was using was on the verge of going bad, then it caused some flattness. I am going to go ahead and make this bread again this week and I’ll let you know if I come up with any other revelations. It’s been a while since I made it. I’ll let you know what I come up with! Thanks for trying out the recipe. I’m glad it turned out yummy even if it was slightly deformed =). – Justine