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Day 2 – Seven Layer Bars

Well here we are! Day 2 of 20 Days of Christmas Cookies! 7 Layer Bars are another extremely easy recipe to make for the holidays. It may even be easier than peanut butter blossoms. They are a quick and delicious dessert. There’s not even any mixer action involved! Everything is just layered into a “lasagna-styled” […]

“Turkey Stock from Turkey Day” Soup

I know, I know, we are a week and a half past Turkey Day. I am sure though, that many of you, like myself, still have SOMETHING left over from Thanksgiving. I know that most of you are probably tired of turkey and stuffing, but here is a delicious and unique way to use leftover […]

“All Things Veggie” Pasta Salad

This pasta salad is your perfect picnic dish. Whether it’s just the two of you out for a hike in the woods, or it’s a family reunion, this salad will be a crowd pleaser. Zach and I took this on our trip back East. It travels easily, and because it’s meant to be cold, there’s […]

Pancetta and Egg Salad

Zach and I are both huge fans of deviled eggs; and although they are absolutely delicious, they don’t travel very well. You need a special container, and then you have to keep them cold. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cooler larger enough to hold a deviled egg […]

Almond, Cashew Chicken Salad on Ciabatta

This chicken salad was an addition to our menu for our road trip back East for Thanksgiving. It was in one word “fantabulous.” It was so good, that this is basically what I ate every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner on our trip. It’s so easy. There is no cooking involved (except for the […]

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Believe it or not, this recipe was a tougher job than we had thought. Not because the muffins were difficult to make, but because it took us forever to find the recipe! This is actually Zach’s recipe: one that he’s had for over 10 years. The problem with Zach, is that he tends to misplace […]

Roasted Chicken with Root Vegetables

Something about the cool air and the snow made me want to roast a chicken yesterday. There is just something about warm, comfort food that makes you feel all cozy inside. That’s just what this roast chicken did. I’ve never actually roasted a chicken, so this was a new adventure, but a fun one! Once […]

Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola

I decided to mix things up a bit today. I don’t often do these recipes early in the day. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever made these recipes earlier than 3 pm. I don’t know why! The lighting for the pictures is so much better! I told Zach, that I’m going to start making our […]

Wintertime Huevos Rancheros

Tonight we decided to go with breakfast for dinner. It’s always good to spice things up a little bit! Because winter is just around the corner and all of those fall/winter veggies are gracing the market’s shelves, we decided to go with a wintertime version of our Summertime Huevos Rancheros recipe. What a spectacular idea […]