Zach and I are both huge fans of deviled eggs; and although they are absolutely delicious, they don’t travel very well. You need a special container, and then you have to keep them cold. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cooler larger enough to hold a deviled egg container. Anyway, moral of the story, an egg salad is a great alternative to deviled eggs. With egg salad, you can add a slice of lettuce and tomato; place it between two slices of bread and you have yourself a lovely lunch idea. We used this recipe for our road trip to the east coast. Out of all of the cold salads I made for this trip, this one was the fan favorite.
Let’s be honest, Zach and I use a lot bacon. We are really trying to cut back. I swear, well maybe. Not… Anyway, I really couldn’t make an egg salad and not add some kind of delicious pork to it. You just have to. Pancetta was the obvious alternative to bacon. It crisps up nicely which is essential in this dish. When you are crisping up the pancetta be sure to make it extra crispy. If it’s too soft, it will just get lost in the egg salad and won’t add that yummy little crunch. If you’d like to eliminate the meat go ahead. It’s really just as good without it, and I understand if you want to cross that one of the list =).
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I have to say, I had my doubts on how this would travel in a cooler. I have brought it for picnics in the past, but never for two days in a cooler. It surprisingly keeps well. Just make sure you fill with ice when necessary. This is another salad that’s great just on a piece of lettuce. It makes a lovely lettuce wrap and that really cuts the calories and gluten out when you are trying to avoid bread. I love bread and wonder why anyone in their right mind would want to avoid it in the first place, but I really do understand =). A piece of lettuce is a great alternative.
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