While Zach is away, Justine will bake! I’ve really been craving something sweet lately, and store bought cookies and candies just haven’t been doing the trick. Sometimes you just crave a homemade cookie, and sometimes you crave homemade cookie with a cream filling! This recipe is like your everyday, old whoopie pie gone crazy! It’s packed full of sugar and spice and everything nice, and it will be sure to curb that craving for something sweet. The oatmeal cookies are good all by themselves, but the addition of a raspberry, cinnamon and sugar filling just makes this cookie all the more better! I hope you all enjoy it and enjoy making it as well!
Again, I decided not to pair this recipe with a beer. Of course, you could pair it with anything you like. I think it goes well with a rich cup of coffee, so that is exactly what I decided to pair it with. There is so much flavor and goodness packed into this cookie, that I feel a beer pairing wouldn’t do it justice and would probably just take away from it’s deliciousness.
Please enjoy!
Cream Mixture!
Ready for the oven!
NOW they are ready for the oven!
Cookies Cooling!
Raspberry Cream Mixtures!
Ready to eat! Yum!